
Our Services

At KPM we offer a wide range of services. Call our team for more options!

Domestic Pest Controls

Our domestic pest control services are tailored to protect your home and family from a wide range of pests, ensuring a safe and comfortable living environment.

Commercial Pest Controls

We offer specialized commercial pest control solutions designed to safeguard businesses and commercial properties, maintaining a pest-free and hygienic workspace.

End of Lease Services

Our end-of-lease pest services ensure a smooth transition for both tenants and landlords, guaranteeing a pest-free property before moving in or moving out.


Say goodbye to unwanted odors with our professional odor removal services, leaving your space fresh and inviting.

Individual Pests

Whether it's ants, cockroaches, spiders or any other individual pest issue, our expert technicians have the solutions to eliminate them swiftly and effectively.

Termite Inspections/Treatment

Protect your property investment with our comprehensive termite inspections and treatments, preventing costly structural damage caused by these silent invaders.

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General Querries!

We offer comprehensive pest control services for a wide range of pests, including rodents, ants, cockroaches, termites, spiders, and more. Please let us know the specific pest issue you’re facing so that our team can assist you accordingly.

The effectiveness and duration of treatment can vary depending on the pest type and infestation severity. We’ll provide you with a timeline after the treatment. In most cases, you can expect to see significant improvement within a few days to a few weeks.

 The frequency of maintenance depends on various factors, including your location, the type of pests common in your area, and the previous history of infestations. Our technicians can recommend a schedule but yearly pest controls are always recommended to manage and prevent infestations.

Yes, all our pest control technicians are licensed and fully insured. They are highly trained professionals who adhere to industry standards and safety protocols.

Feel free to ask any additional questions or seek further clarification on any of these inquiries. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are important to us.